bigtime celebrity

Free KFC Double Downs for All! (Or for, like, two or three.)

The totally-not-sanctioned-by-KFC @kfcdoubledown tweeted the other day to tell me that I won the KFC Double Down photo contest on Foodspotting!

kfcdoubledown tweet

I didn’t even know I was entered for the contest, so it was an extra-awesome surprise. And now I have $25 in KFC gift cards coming my way, so if any of you have been too scared to try the Double Down, now’s your chance–on me!

Thanks to Travis Bye, the man behind @kfcdoubledown, and Foodspotting!

Too many exclamation points in one post? Sorry.


    • plumpdumpling

      I keep intending to give away prizes on my blogs but never know what to buy. Also, I hate the way most blog competitions are run, where you have to retweet something, leave a comment, recommend the blog to a friend, send in a urine sample, spit on your grandmother, and create a recipe using an exotic bug as the protein.

      So, yeah, what can I give away that’s not shoes and somehow relates to my blog, and what awesome and non-horrific thing can I make people do to win it?

      • Tessa


        Best limerick sequence. Or sonnet. Or creative mutilation of old t-shirt that reader hopes to supplant with new t-shirt, courtesy of you.

      • Kim

        Diamonds, gold and vintage Halston.

        And you have to adopt a shelter animal to win.

        “That’s not shoes.” LOVE IT.

        • plumpdumpling

          I always wonder what my charity would be if I suddenly became famous and went on “Celebrity Jeopardy!” and “Celebrity Apprentice”. Doubt it’d be shelter animals, though, sorry.

          Think your mom will want to donate her Halston for me to give away?

      • caropal

        David and I actually had a plan to go to New York this fall, but then I realized that, financially, it was between that or seeing my family over the holidays. Alas, family won.

    • plumpdumpling

      You are the worst blogger ever! Three posts on the blog that’s hosted AT YOUR OWN DOMAIN? Unbelievable.

      I would totally take you out for Double Downs. And take lots of photos to post on this blog. I actually have two awesome photos of you out to dinner with me but don’t know what to write with them other than “Nastassia is very photogenic.” And that’s boring.

  • Travis

    Sent the coupons out this morning. The local post office is a nightmare,or they’d have been sent sooner. The Double Down even wrote you a note! Well, dictated it to me at least. An eloquent sandwich, him.